Forty-Eight (48)

Tom Leu

Is healthy skepticism a good thing? Meaning: Are there practical benefits derived from critically thinking about life stuff? By critical, I don’t mean negative. I mean thorough, questioning, and evidence-based inquiry. In the past I questioned if this was a good thing. In the past, I’d drank some of the kool-aid that suggested that too much questioning challenged one’s “faith.” I know today the mere suggestion of this kind of cockamamie credo is counter to all that’s good and honorable. Many still buy into this flawed philosophy to psychologically attempt to bring order, control, and certainty into an often uncertain world. One’s will or “god’s” will typically become key cornerstones of this concept.

Skeptic (n)a person who questions the validity or authenticity of something purporting to be factual ( – Skepticism is a noble pursuit that simply requires reason, and a rational evidence-based reality to enter into the conversation.

It’s not a lack of belief as much as it’s a desire to believe in the believable >> once verified.

It’s an innate resistence to fable, in favor of fact. But alas, it gets a bad rap oftentimes. It’s not as shiny and sexy as the mass collective that assembles on weekends in nice buildings reciting words to moving songs written in major keys.

The skeptic is the outcast; the outlier; the often misunderstood outsider. But, we’re necessary for order, and to attempt to keep things honest, honorable, and intentional despite the onslaught of naysayers. Care enough to care less about the stigma. Now that’s something to believe in…

Stay tuned-in…

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