“Seeing Things”

… Literally through Lenses; Figuratively despite Filters™
To truly “see things” is not only the mission of my PHOTOGRAPHY, but that which drives all of my personal and professional life’s work. My goal is that my images, writings, podcasts, music, and live presentations incite emotion, inspire imagination, and transport people… perhaps to better places, for a moment of truth, if only for a moment.
It’s about endeavoring to know what we don’t know, we don’t know. It’s about acknowledging the filters through which we view our world. It’s the willingness and capacity to “see things” from new and different perspectives other than our own that we hold near and dear.
You see, how we “see things” affects everything…
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” ~ Marcel Proust
“What is life but the angle of vision?” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
“The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“A photograph is a mirror; mostly it reflects the prejudices of the viewer.” ~ Bill Jay
“Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.” ~ John Lennon
“Open my eyes to a new kind of way…” ~ Journey
To “see” = to become more aware = to understand.
It’s about understanding the differences between perception and perspective.
To “see” = gaining… awareness, understanding, perception, perspective, vision, insight, clarity, comprehension, acknowledgment, acceptance… it’s about deliberately looking at the world through new lenses, literally and figuratively.
First, “seeing things” is about becoming acutely aware of yourself, others, and your surroundings. PERCEPTION.
Second, “seeing things” is about strategically comprehending and communicating this raised awareness for personal and professional achievement. PERSPECTIVE.
My Photo-Flow & Lifestyle Philosophy:
(4 specific steps; 4 specific sets of questions to ask)
Perception – WHY? = the Pre-Production – the “Vision” (what emotion do I want to elicit)? What am I supposed to be “seeing” here? What is my purpose?
Capture – WHAT? = the Subject(s)… natural or artificial? Am I completely getting what I’m supposed to be getting here? Have I successfully covered my shot? Have I gotten the true essence/the best representation of this subject? Did I “get” it?
Process – HOW? = the Composition (when, where, light, angle, settings, perspective?) – the “Voice” – the treatment, the reflection, and unique presentation of the subject. How do I want to present this? How might this be perceived?
Perspective – WHY? = the Post-Production – the “Voice” that makes the “Vision” a reality (again… what emotion do I want to elicit?) What was my purpose? What did I learn? Why does it matter? Make sense of it all…
There’s way more out there to “see” if you’re really willing to pay attention…
I pay attention. I’m encouraging you to as well.
Stay tuned-in…