The Loud Talker
Ah yes, the “loud-talker” in public… you know who I’m talking about… hopefully it’s not you.
This is an interesting breed of apparently oblivious (though not always), self-indulgent gems who make it their mission to ensure EVERYONE within earshot can hear every bullshit detail of their entire fucking conversation whether welcomed or not.
These self-centered fucks don’t give two shits about anyone else around them, nor about how their intrusive, light-belligerent behavior is negatively affecting others. You see, most people are too nice to say anything to these ass-hats because in a civilized society, most just don’t do that out of respect.
Most of us prefer to avoid making a scene, and being perceived as a dick… because most NORMAL people aren’t acting like impetuous attention-whores, and HAVE respect for others’ in public.
What I love most about these obnoxious, often obfuscating types, is their blaring self-delusion that people, (often even those in their immediate company), actually give two fucks about the…
“900-page-book-they-just read-in-one-day, while-staying-
I’m sorry, what was that? I couldn’t tune you out, nor ignore you even from the other side of the goddamn room because you’re talking so fucking LOUD… Here’s a tip: how about a nice warm glass of shut-the-hell-up, before I come over there an shut your pie hole up for you… word to the wise.
Stay tuned-in…